Siempre Sol Student Spotlight: Candice Skorupski

Meet Candice Skorupski! Candice is a student at Siempre Sol and a member of our Ladies Pro-Am Performance Team. If you've ever had the pleasure of watching Candice dance, then you already know how much she lights up the dance floor with her radiant smile and natural rhythm. Today she’s sharing a little more about how she started dancing, her current goals, and the advice she’d give to anyone who’s ever thought about learning Salsa for the first time!

How did you start dancing? I casually attended Zumba classes on and off starting in 2015. I became more serious about it once I was invited onto a Zumba dance crew in 2019. I started being mentored to become a Zumba instructor in 2020. After 2020, it was difficult to get an instructor position because of the pandemic. By the time I was able to, I found Salsa in mid to late 2022. I decided I enjoyed Salsa more and wanted to focus on that. The first person I regularly took classes with was Jhesus Aponte for Shines starting in September 2022. I found On2Ourage in December of 2022. I continue to take Shines and Partnerwork at On2ourage. I started with Siempre Sol in May of 2023.

How did you first discover Salsa?

My favorite songs when doing Zumba were always the Salsa songs. I would come alive. However, it wasn’t until my stepdad, who really enjoys Salsa music, took me to a Salsa club that I was truly amazed by everyone dancing so beautifully. I wanted to learn so I started trying classes. I immersed myself in the music and dance.

What are your current dance goals? My current dance goal is to do a Salsa choreography on stage confidently. I have been on stages for Zumba, but I want to take it to the next level and show my passion for Salsa to an audience. I want to entertain the audience and possibly be an inspiration to others who also want to be on stage. 

What would you say to someone who’s always wanted to dance but hasn’t taken their first class yet? I would tell them to jump right in. You have to start somewhere and why continue to hold yourself back from something you really want to do? Maybe you’ll get the dance moves right away, or maybe you won’t and that’s ok. As long as you keep going you will see progress through time and effort at any level! 

How would you describe your dance style? Sexy, dramatic, intense. (Or I would like to be all those things 😊)

Thank you so much for sharing, Candice! We are so proud of you!!!

Learn more about Candice’s experience at Siempre Sol Dance…


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